We were fortunate enough to be in Orlando for the opening of Walt Disney World, I’d like to share some do’s and don’t’s for visiting the Resort with physical distancing protocols in place.
As of 2023, face masks and distancing are no longer required at Walt Disney World – however, masks are still required at first aid centers. Make sure to follow Cast Members’ directions as guidance may change at any point.
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At the Airport
- Wear a face covering at all times, except when eating or drinking.
- Bring & use hand sanitizer.
- Bring plenty of snacks! Many of the shops and restaurants were closed, and the ones that were open didn’t have too many options to choose from. Hudson News, for example, one of our favorite spots to grab a pre-wrapped sandwich, only had 2 yogurts, a couple of cheese sticks, bottled drinks, and a wide variety of chips, trail mixes, candies, and dried fruits. Nothing that constituted a meal.
- Get too close to other people. Maintain 6 feet distancing as much as possible. We saw a lot of people getting too close at the gate, waiting to board, and at baggage claim.
- Be rude or pushy. Airline protocols have changed a bit. Many airlines now load back to front, instead of first class passengers first. It actually goes a lot quicker this way!
At Your Walt Disney World Resort Hotel
- Wear your face covering when you’re not in your room, except when dining or swimming.
- Be mindful of other guests, especially on walkways – some of the walkways around the resort hotels can be quite narrow!
- Use the app for check-in! Skip the front desk completely.
- Set up charging to your MagicBand so you can use contactless payment throughout the Resort.
- Set up a “staging area” with what you will need to leave your hotel room – mask + back-up mask, hand sanitizer, poncho, wallet, MagicBand, etc. With extra cleanliness in mind, it is hard to remember all the items you need to bring with you when you leave your room! Having a staging area helps! We set ours up the night before we were heading to the parks so it was less to do each morning.
- Take your mask off outside your room, even if there’s nobody around.
- Trash your hotel room. Housekeeping is working really hard to keep everything clean. Do your part!
Arriving at the Parks or Disney Springs
- Wear your face covering when using resort transportation, even if you are the only one on the bus or Monorail cabin.
- If driving in your own personal vehicle, it’s okay to not wear a mask, but make sure to put it on when you reach the entry booth to pay for parking. Put it on when you exit your vehicle.
- Be prepared to walk from your vehicle as there are no trams running at this time.
- Be prepared for a contactless temperature check.
- At security screenings, remove umbrellas, aerosol cans, and anything else security asks you to remove. Carry your bags through the metal detectors. Security does not go through your bags anymore. Strollers will be pushed to the side of the metal detectors.
- Maintain distancing on the ferries from the Ticket & Transportation Center and on the Monorail. Markings on the floor indicate where to stand.
- Listen to & follow announcements.
- Make sure you have a Park Pass reservation in addition to valid theme park admission.
- Try to cheat the temperature screening.
- Take off your mask in the parking lot – remember, there are still people around you, and droplets hang in the air.
- Take off your mask even if you are the only person on the Monorail cabin or bus.
- Rush or arrive too early. With limited entry into the park, there is plenty of opportunity to experience the magic.
In the Parks
- Wear your mask unless eating, drinking, or enjoying one of the mask relaxation zones.
- Hydrate often, especially when it’s hot outside. It is easy to forget to drink water when you’re wearing a mask all day.
- Take a break in the mask relaxation zones when you need to.
- Take lots of selfies or bring a small portable tripod (make sure it meets park rules & regulations). Cast Members are not allowed to hold phones or cameras for pictures.
- If you have purchased Memory Maker or have PhotoPass downloads included with your Annual Pass, keep your body away from the PhotoPass Cast Member, and stick your MagicBand out far for the Cast Member to scan. Take great pictures! 🙂
- Take note of physical distancing markers on the ground. They are located in every queue at attractions, shops, restaurants, and outdoor vending carts.
- Listen to Cast Member directions. If large groups start forming they will ask you to move.
- Pay attention to your surroundings. Character cavalcades roll by at unannounced times and they are very fun; you don’t want to miss them!
- In queues, pay attention to floor markings and the party in front of you. Some of the queues can be rather dark, or the next floor marking can be around a corner. Additionally, some parties take up the full 6 foot space instead of standing next to each other, so you’ll have to stand a bit further back.
- Speak up, listen, and use hand signals when necessary. Disney parks can be loud with music, sound effects, and ride vehicles. Add in a mask to muffle your speech, and Cast Members can have a hard time hearing you. Make sure to speak up when speaking to others! If a Cast Member asks “how many in your party?” use your fingers in addition to saying how many are in your party. Also, be sure to listen closely when someone is speaking to you. Most Cast Members wear face shields in addition to a mask, and it can be really difficult to hear them over all the sounds of a Disney park.
- Use contactless payment whenever possible.
- Expect to carry merchandise with you – package pickup/resort delivery is unavailable at this time.
- Take off your mask unless eating, drinking, or in a mask relaxation zone.
- Take off your mask on a ride, even if nobody else is around.
- Get too close to other guests or Cast Members.
- Get discouraged if a posted wait time is too long – wait times are inflated and have been inaccurate.
- Approach characters during the cavalcades. They do not stop to take pictures.
In Restaurants
- For quick service – use mobile ordering through the My Disney Experience app. If you have a food allergy or mobile ordering isn’t working, there is a special line to use – just speak with a Cast Member!
- Use cashless transactions when possible.
- For table service – try to make reservations if you really want to dine somewhere specific. Capacity is limited, and having a reservation is the only way to guarantee you’ll have a seat at a table service restaurant.
- For table service – check in to your reservation using the My Disney Experience app.
- Have a QR code scanning app installed on your phone, so you can access menus.
- Take off your mask unless you are seated at your table. If you get up to use the restroom, put your mask back on.
- Forget to hydrate!
I hope these tips help you navigate the parks in a COVID-19 world! Have anything to add? Let me know below!